Just in case you missed it: Mark Cuban's most recent investment took place in what is a fairly unusual setting for early-stage startup seed funding -- a shark tank. That's right, the controversial billionaire and media mogul was a recent guest shark on ABC reality show "Shark Tank", in which 5 business moguls listen to entrepreneurs pitch their companies and decide whether or not to devour them like so many sardines. Great premise. (I'm also pretty sure ABC lifted the show's name from Ron Conway's boardroom, but I haven't confirmed that yet.)
In the most recent Shark Tank-isode, co-founder and chief executive of Toygaroo, Nikki Pope, pitched her startup to the panel of honchos, hoping for big-time investment. Toygaroo, the self-labeled "Netflix for toys", is an online toy rental service in which parents can sign up for and choose a "wish list" of toys that are then sent to their home, played with by their kids, before being returned to Toygaroo via a FedEx box. Before you start shuddering, the toys are, of course, cleaned and sanitized before being shipped.
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